Who I am

My name is Ronda Mann I am an over 60-year-old Christian mother to three beautiful girls, grandma to four grandchildren and blessed to be considered family and friend to many. My husband and I have been married for over 43 years and lived in the Pleasanton, Texas area for 39 of those years.

In 2015 I became an Ordained Minister, I have attended our current church (outside of the area in San Antonio for about 15 years) and have attended and led several local bible studies for years and have numerous friends that have been affiliated with a local church ministry.

n recent years my husband and have been attending and hosted For Your Life Conferences put on by Heart of Forgiveness Ministry in Lampasas, Texas founded by Jolene Hardy McCord. I look forward to volunteering in 2025 and supporting their wonderful Ministry.

I started the online Facebook page, Womens Prayer Partners of Atascosa and surrounding Counties in January of 2024 and just celebrated 1 year of providing local Christian Event information for women. Starting January of 2025 I set up this website to help facilitate sharing local women’s events, bible studies, encouraging blogs and stories and more.


Let’s Begin