My Daily Biscuit

Do you know where the road you’re on is leading? My brother used to take me for rides down country roads in his dune buggy going full blast. One day we took off down this sandy lane where some property was going to be subdivided, wind and dust blowing in our hair without a care in the world. Suddenly the road beneath us vanished and a wide cavernous pit took its place. I screamed as we were instantly catapulted into the air. Time stood still until we landed so violently on the other side that the steering wheel broke off in my brother's hands. I immediately hit my brother as hard as I could thinking that he knew beforehand what was awaiting us at the end of that dirt road. Turns out he was just as shocked as I was and not aware that the road ahead led to a dead end. Sometimes in life we’re not aware that we’re heading down a dead end road, that the path we’re on is leading nowhere or that we have somehow gotten off track. Have you considered what path you’re on, are you on a dead end road or a road that leads somewhere? Have you been led astray? Christ has a plan and a purpose for you, He is the way (the truth and the light). Consider getting back on track today, consider finding your way back to the Lord, and to Church. Perhaps you don’t know the Lord at all, if you would like to turn your life around and accept Jesus Christ just pray this prayer

“Jesus, I believe that you are the Son of God and Savior of the world, I believe that you died on the cross to rescue me from sin and death and I ask you to forgive me of my sins and come into my life” 


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